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Pioneer Kangen Business Entrepreneur Transforming the Mindset of People’s Health and Wealth in India. Santosh Kumar Tiwari is a New Age Entrepreneur and helps people achieve six figure incomes through Kangen Business and helps others to do the same. He is one of the first to start the revolution in India. The Kangen water business model has been around for over 40 years and presents a unique opportunity for you to earn money by selling water machines. Some people market through registered companies while others do it themselves. What should you expect when getting involved and is it really a profitable business? Kangen Water is a patented water ionization system designed and manufactured in Japan. It is marketed worldwide by a direct sales company called Enagic which sells such machines and their components. The business idea revolves around the benefits of consuming pure alkaline water, a trend that has been going on for quite some time since the discovery of ionized water technology. Depending on the company, Kangen machines can produce up to 5 different types of water;

Strong Kangen Water (pH 11) = Contains dissolving and heat conduction properties, suitable for food preparation and cleaning, not for consumption.

Kangen water (ph 8.5 – 9.5) = Water rich in hydrogen and reduced by electrolysis which is suitable for consumption, cooking and watering plants.

Clean water (pH 7) = Chlorine and rust free. Suitable for drinking, preparing baby food and taking medicine.

Beauty Water (pH 4 – 6) = A slightly acidic form which has astringent effects. Suitable for gentle cleaning and beauty care.

Strongly acidic water (pH 2.7) = Contains cleaning properties. Ideal for cleaning activities. Not suitable for consumption.

The marketing plan is therefore aimed at owners, offices or any establishment that depends on good quality water to operate their business. To do this on a large scale, the company relies on its distribution program and this is the business opportunity that we will discuss in the remaining part of the review. CAN YOU MAKE MONEY WITH KANGEN WATER?

Anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit should be able to see many opportunities fly away with this Kangen water business. For the most part, your hunch is correct when we analyze these rather compelling facts.



Water, like air, is an essential natural resource in our daily life. The quest for good quality water has intensified over the years as more and more people become aware of water hygiene and the benefits of certain chemical ingredients that accompany it. In fact, it is not uncommon for every modern household to install a water filtration system these days. Internet searches have been increasing for some time now as more information becomes available and more water machines are marketed through e-commerce. Based on Google data over the past 5 years, there has been a steady and somewhat upward trend for the term “alkaline water” and this pattern, I think, will be like that for a while.


Throughout the creation and innovation of the products, the Kangen machine has achieved numerous certifications, meeting most of the ISO criteria and water quality standards which are safe for consumers. The fact that it is built with Japanese technology is also a reassuring factor as the country has long established a solid reputation for making sustainable products. Their automotive and clothing industries reflect these qualities.


The Kangen Water Compensation Plan is probably one of the easiest to understand compared to other direct selling companies. You can make a big profit by selling just a little. Much of this is due to the generous sales commission AND the ability to multiply income through rankings and downline expansion.


As a distributor of a 40-year-old business, you can expect to receive a lot of marketing materials as well as support from your sponsors on how to promote the machine. For a small fee, you’ll also get a simple landing page, with product information and a sign-up form for new customers. This web page is then used for online marketing through paid advertising, social media posts or blogging to reach a wider audience on the internet.

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